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Scouts in Action Month

Scouts in Action Month started in 2010 when it was originally called 'Scouts in Action Week' and 2024 marks the fifteenth and final year of developing new programs and activities.  The websites and resources will all remain for you to access 24/7/365.

Since 2010, 262,293 from 1266 Scout Groups/Units across Australia have participated in Scouts in Action Week/Month, what an achievement and well done to all that have been part of the journey.

Scouts in Action was created by Queensland Leader, John Parr.  John won a Vodafone Foundation, 'World of Difference Award' and committed twelve months living his dream and that was to teach 50,000 young people first aid skills and how to save lives.

To achieve this aim John approached Scouts Australia with an idea to develop programs for Leaders so that they could have all the resources needed to run first aid programs across all Sections of Scouting whenever they wanted them.

Scouts Australia came on board and help promote Scouts in Action and in the first year (2010) Scouts in Action Week started.  The theme for the first year was Scouts in Action - First Aid and it was held on the last week of April 2010 and over 33,000 youth members and Leader participated in one of the programs including the ADAPT (A Drug and Alcohol Program for Teenagers) program which was specifically designed for Venturer Scouts, Rovers and Leaders and presented by them.

Scouts in Action is designed to provide Leaders and youth with themed program resources that are held on one web site and accessible 24/7, 365 days of the year.  Busy Leaders sometimes need to be able to grab a program that will be based around their sections award scheme and Scouts in Action does just that!

In 2011 Scouts in Action was moved to the last full week of August and then in 2014 it was changed to Scouts in Action Month and takes place in August each year with the 1st August (World Scout Day) being the official launch day although anyone can register anytime before, during and after August.

Following the original First Aid theme Scouts in Action 2010 the following themes have been used:

2010 - First Aid (32977)
2011 - Disability Awareness (26144)
2012 - International Scouting (31060)
2013 - Scouting in the Community (23599)
2014 - Breaking the Cycle - Bullying is not a part of Scouting (27639)
2015 - Scouts in the Environment (20688)
2016 - 100 Years of Cub Scouts (18,098)
2017 - Time to be Creative (15,329) 

2018 - Scientific Scouts in Action (16716)

2019 - AQUA Scouts in Action Month (10792)
2020 - Scouts in Action Month - Flight (10488)

2021 - 17 Sustainable Development Goals (8465)
2022 - The Great Australian Scout Cook Off (14506)

2023 - Solar Scouts in Action 5790

Since Scouts in Action started in 2010 over 262,293 Leaders and Youth from Australia and overseas Scouting countries and from Girl Guides Australia have participated in the programs.

Themes are generally based on the wishes of Leaders after consultation with youth members so that Scouts in Action stays relevant to their needs.

Scouts in Action is put together annually by just one person, just think what could be achieved if everyone came on board and contributed to its success!

I trust you will once again enjoy the offerings of programs and activities for Scouts in Action Month and you can pick the programs that you liked and run them this year.

John Parr
Scouts in Action Month

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